Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another sign of aging

1985. That was a fabulous year for me--heck most of the 80s were! And the "Brat Pack" movies spoke to me and my generation. From 16 Candles, to Pretty in Pink, to The Breakfast Club, all the way to St. Elmo's Fire -- I totally understood those movies.

So today, taking a break from the Olympics and household chores, I plopped down to watch the 1985 movie, The Breakfast Club. I haven't seen it in 20 years. Very interesting, yet all I could think of was "those fuggin kids!" There is some commercial out right now for back to school that re-enacts scenes from that movie and my response is the same. What happened? Ferris Beuller is a spoiled punk who takes advantage of his parents and everyone who trusts him. Joel in Risky Business is an idiot. Geeze - when did I get old? I still get it -- kids having a rough time fitting in, defining who they are, dealing with messed up parents, cliques, etc., but the cocky, disrespectful crap. Just get me a walker and some sensible shoes now.