Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cousins Camping - Beuscher State Park, TX 11/2/2007

Here's a riddle: What do Sominex, a microwave, and Starbuck's all have in common? These are all required elements for a Cousins Camping trip. Not your usual camping gear, we know, but they make all the difference in the outcome of our excursions.

We prepared for a bitter cold weekend, but got a little toasty instead. Pushing into the 80s on Saturday, we were literally trying to chill. Some new features for us were an owl screeching all night, lots of raccoons rummaging through stuff, and an extremely large and heavy-footed armadillo terrorizing us around our tents. Our only defense - a flash light!

The campfire is always the main attraction--good for cooking our steaks, making s'mores, or just hypnotizing us into a relaxed state. At one point, the kids and I played with a new technique I learned to do with my camera--we ghosted them out of long exposure photos. The guys took a shot at fishing and caught a variety of inedibles, and played with snakes. Then Dean found what we believe was a turtle egg. He gently placed it back in its nest and we left the area in case it was not a turtle, but something more aggressive. ;)

With all the craziness in each of our respective lives, getting away for a weekend got more challenging than usual. The Hobsons came in a day late because Nick had Homecoming to attend. We left for a couple of hours on Saturday to attend a family reunion (an unfortunate double-booking of our schedule), and the Riojas and Hobsons had to leave early Sunday to get back to jobs. The weekend went by much too quickly, but we had fun with the time we had.

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